Bingo has been one of the oldest games being played in this world. The history of the game dates a long time back, but the basic concept of playing this game remains the same. There was a time when the majority of Bingo was played with one or two digit numbers printed on a 5 X 5 matrix on a piece of paper or cardboard. These numbers were randomly distributed in the matrices. A person used to speak up a random combination of alphabet and number. If the combination matches the combination on one’s cardboard, the number is to be cut off. One used to announce the rod “Bingo” after completion of any row/column/diagonal when the game used to end. The first one to get his/her row/column/diagonal crossed was rendered as the winner.
The New Bingo Bash| Classic Taste gets Digitized
In the present generation, the basic concept of the game has remained the same. Without major changes, the only difference in the feel of the game comes when a fact is stated that the game has been digitized. With the advancing technological advancements, the game has also been digitized. There was a time when the digital game had to be played in a Single Player mode, and the system used to play against the person using the system, but with this era of selfies, the game has been socialized. It is now available on hundreds of social platforms.
Where to get the New Bingo Bash? | Get it and enjoy it
The Bingo Bash game is available on the Google Play Store for free download. Also, the game is available on Amazon Kindle as well as on Facebook for online playing. The game has various levels and rooms where one can play with his friends or with a random group of people. As one proceeds to the level and aura of playing, the game gets better with opening of various levels and other such opportunities including slot games, different slot rooms, and numerous mini-games too. The opportunity to avail all these offers comes at various different stages of the game.
What’s in the game? | Features of New Bingo Bash
Through Bingo Bash, one can connect to any number of random unknown or known people, spread the hands of happiness along with a feeling of competency while they are enjoying a game of Bingo. It is just like the typical Kitty Parties common in Indian households, the only difference being it is on an online platform.
- One may enter any of the Special and Wonder Game rooms.
- After entering the desired Game room, the choice is given that whether a person would like to buy one card, two cards, three or four. More the number of cards, higher are the chances of winning.
- The numbers will be called out. They will also be shown at the top of the screen as well as on the right side of the screen. Daub the numbers as they are announced.
- One can complete the game by crossing all the numbers in a row, column as well as in diagonal sides. In all, there are 13 different ways of winning the game. The more one wins, higher will the prizes get.
- Continue the winning streak to complete the collection of goodies.
- Progress further in the game and unlock new rooms, as well as different games available in combination with Bingo Bash.
Other than the conventional Bingo game, there are quite a few surprises in this package.
- Wheel of Fortune accompanies the game. One can reach this round by playing the Bingo Bash and win numerous prizes, gifts, and points in this round.
- The Wheel of Fortune may also lead the player into Minigames where classic games can be played. These games will make on reminisce about the old good times they had while playing such games.
- Other than this, there are various game rooms including Bingo Royale Slot Rooms, Wonder Rooms, Great Barrier Reef Room, Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Vegas Strip, etc.
- One can also unlock levels like Pot of Gold, Purrfect Crime, Wild West, etc. in order to achieve a higher level of playing experience.
New levels are available after every couple of weeks which can be unlocked by playing the game. Many power-ups, chips, collectibles can be won by playing this game. Various surprise gifts and power-ups have also been lined up for a real-life experience. Other than this, one can also chat with the co-players make new friends, have a session with old friends and enjoy the overall experience.
Bingo Bash has been the only Bingo game that was able to make it to the Apple’s Top 10 Apps of 2013. It has been because of the constant efforts and hard work put in by the creators of the game. The constant effort to improve the game play and make it a real-life experience has provided some fruitful results to the creators as well as the players. A large audience is being attracted by the game, which makes it vast enough for a large number of players.
Latest Disclaimer of Bingo Bash | Keep Playing it like a macho
A disclaimer has been issued by the authorities of Bingo Bash in order to restrict any sort of promotion that this game may provide to gambling.
- Bingo Bash has been a game intended for amateur
- Any numbers of wins in this game do not guarantee nor does promote any sort of gambling in the real-life. Winning in this virtual game doesn’t promise any sort of win in the real gambling.
- Bingo Bash works on an online platform and hence, does not involve any sort of real money in it.
Bingo Bash has won the hearts of many people with the nice user-friendly environment ever since the creation of the app. This app is available free of cost on various platforms and can be downloaded. Simply sign up through Facebook and one is good to go for playing this wonderful game. This game can be a great time pass as well as a nice platform to make some new friends.